Our Pricing Plan
For {{x.type}}
This is a {{x.billingCycle.toLowerCase()}} subscription plan
R{{x.amount * 3}} /{{x.billingCycle.toLowerCase()}}
R{{x.amount}} /{{x.billingCycle.toLowerCase()}}
What’s included
- AI Interview - {{ x.interactionLimit > 100 ? 'Unlimited' : x.interactionLimit }} Interactions
- AI Coach - {{ x.interactionLimit > 100 ? 'Unlimited' : x.interactionLimit }} Interactions
- Hourly Limit - {{ x.hourlyLimit === 0 ? 'No Time Limits' : x.hourlyLimit }}
- No Of Users - {{ x.noOfUsers > 100 ? 'Unlimited' : x.noOfUsers }}
- Job Adverts - {{ x.jobadvertLimit > 100 ? 'Unlimited' : x.jobadvertLimit }}
- Assessments - {{ x.assessmentCreationLimit > 100 ? 'Unlimited' : x.assessmentCreationLimit }}
- Vetting and Verifications - {{ x.verificationLimit > 100 ? 'Unlimited' : x.verificationLimit }}